Monday, April 5, 2010

Venturing to Off Broadway and Off-Off Broadway

I’m really starting to like venturing to the Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway Theatres. There is so much art and talent out there to see. Bonus: It’s cheaper! Also for the most part you’ll end up seeing a more experimental play. I’ve noticed that Off-Broadway you’ll go to the theatre with a lot of locals depending on the venue and who is in the show. Off-Off Broadway shows tend to be more of the theatre community and locals. European tourist (depending on the country) are more likely to check out the Off-Broadway scene.


The Pride – Not what I was expecting at all but this show was beautifully done. This play is very powerful and interesting. This play tells a story of three people who love each other in varying degrees and in different ways by switching between the past and present. As an audience we see who these characters once were and who’ve they’ve become. That’s really all I will say.
But..I will talk about Hugh Dancy whom may just have edged out the competition to become make his way into my top 5 favorite modern theatre actors. I find myself enjoying his work more and more these days. He may be pretty, but he is not afraid to really get into the dark side of a character. (We got to meet him too! He is so nice in person.)

Off-Off Broadway

Titus Andronicus – Most disturbing Shakespeare I ever seen! That said I was really impressed by this production from the American Globe Theatre on 46th Street btwn 6th & 7th Avenue. This was a really great production – I can’t tell you how much I enjoy watching actors and actresses who really understand Shakespeare and are on stage because it’s their passion. Titus Andronicus is the twisted story about how power corrupts. Shakespeare’s throws in his usual universal theme of what goes around comes around. It’s bloody and disturbing but I highly suggest reading the play or seeing a production of this Off the beaten path Shakesphere play. The production I saw was so well directed and acted that I also recommend checking out other shows that American Globe theatre has to offer. Big shot out one of the actors we got to see that night Jon Hoche (website: ) It was awesome to see how far he’s come since college. He’s definitely someone for everyone to look forward to seeing on the Broadway stage or in film whatever he chooses.

It made me miss working in a Black Box Theatre :(

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